Integrity & Compliance
It is our aim to operate sustainably, in everything that we do, with our employees, partners, and customers. Compliance, fair business practices, human rights and the prevention of discrimination are of the utmost importance to us.

Sustainable Operations
As a globally active corporate group with a long history, we are transparent, open and reliable in our collaboration with customers, partner and other stakeholders.
Code of Conduct & Supplier Code of Conduct
In order to promote trusting and long-term business relationships, we focus on the transparent and lawful processing of all transactions. We expect our employees to treat each other and third parties fairly and respectfully. The most important principles and regulations are summarized in our Code of Conduct.
In order to promote trusting and long-term business relationships, we focus on the transparent and lawful processing of all transactions. We also expect this from our suppliers & business partners. The most important principles and regulations are summarized in our Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC).
Human Rights
Human rights protect the dignity of every human being. The worldwide protection of and respect for human rights therefore forms a fundamental part of our corporate culture and is the basis of our social responsibility both in our own corporate group and in our global supply and value chains.
Our codes of conduct (Code of Conduct & Supplier Code of Conduct) oblige both our employees and our partners to comply with generally applicable principles (including the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact and the International Labour Organization - ILO).
With our corresponding declarations on the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Norwegian Transparency Act 2022, we also disclose our risk-oriented approach to combating modern slavery and respecting fundamental human rights and decent working conditions:
Australian Modern Slavery Act Statement
Norwegian Transparency Act Statement
Fair Business Practices
We are committed to fair business practices. Its different aspects are referred to in our Code of Conduct. The document explains what the Nemetschek Group expects with regard to the separation of personal and Group interests or to the handling of company and business secrets. The Code of Conduct clearly states that corruption, bribery and other forms of granting illegal benefits are not tolerated. In our Code of Conduct, we also fully commit to competition by fair means and strict compliance with antitrust law. All employees of the Group must act in accordance with the applicable competition law.
„Speak-up Culture“ – Whistleblowing System
Compliance with laws, rules, internal regulations as well as sustainable action in accordance with ethical principles is a top priority for the Nemetschek Group. Only if we act in accordance with the law, with integrity and in an ethically sustainable manner, we protect our company, our employees, our business partners and our shareholders and stakeholders. In order for us to live up to this claim, it is important to learn of potential misconduct and to put a stop to it in the long term.
Our digital whistleblowing system therefore offers the opportunity to report potential violations of rules anonymously if desired. The protection of whistleblowers and the principle of a fair and confidential procedure are the cornerstones of any whistleblowing process.
Employees as well as business partners, customers or other persons can submit a report via the whistleblowing system.