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About Us

For over half a century, the Nemetschek Group has been successfully driving forward the digitalization of the AEC/O industry.


About the Nemetschek Group

The Nemetschek Group is a forerunner of digital transformation in the AEC/O industry and covers the entire life cycle of construction and infrastructure projects. With intelligent software solutions, we lead our customers into the future of digitalization.



Munich Headquarter

Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1 | 81829 München, Germany
Tel. +49 89 540459-0


Pasadena Office

443 S Raymond Ave, Pasadena, CA 91105, United States
Tel. +16267884100


OPEN BIM is a progressive, future-proof approach to AEC/O collaboration. It helps connect stakeholders such as software vendors, software users (architects, engineers, and contractors), as well as clients and owners to co-create innovative buildings. OPEN BIM ensures workflow transparency, longevity, and accessibility of data for built assets.

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open bim nemetschek

More about the Nemetschek Group

As a constantly growing company, we have been operating in a financially sustainable manner for decades, and it is of the utmost importance to us to deal responsibly with our employees, customers, and partners. However, our product portfolio is our biggest contribution to sustainability. By using our solutions, customers can plan, build, manage, and operate buildings and infrastructure projects more efficiently and sustainably.

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brücke geplant mit nemetschek software

Whether as a digital leader in the construction industry, an attractive employer, a fast-growing mid-size company, or a successfully managed MDAX company, the Nemetschek Group’s successes are regularly evaluated and recognized by independent institutions.

Since its founding years, the Nemetschek Group has been a strong advocate of uniform industry standards and open data interfaces as a basic prerequisite for smooth collaboration between all trades and fair competition. As a group, but also through our individual brands, we represent these ideals in a large number of leading industry associations and institutions such as buildingSMART and BVBS.

Our Brands and Segments

Nemetschek Marken

Honorary chairman of the supervisory board

Company Founder

"We drive digitalization and innovation for the entire life cycle of the AEC/O industry."

Professor Georg Nemetschek, born in 1934, is the founder, majority shareholder, and guiding spirit of the Nemetschek Group, one of the largest listed software companies in Germany.

In the late 1960s, anticipating change in the construction industry, he opted for software, played a personal role in major developments, and still drives innovation and digitalization in the entire building sector with energy and action to this day.

In addition, Professor Nemetschek dedicates a substantial part of his assets to non-profit purposes, e.g. within the scope of the Nemetschek Innovation Foundation.

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professor georg nemetschek | founder of the nemetschek group

The “Nemetschek Innovation Foundation” was founded in 2020 by Prof. Georg Nemetschek. The focus of the foundation’s activities is on supporting science and research and promoting competence and excellence in the construction industry in the areas of research, teaching, innovation, and academic life.

The “Nemetschek Foundation” was established by the Nemetschek family at the end of 2007. With their foundation, they want to contribute to strengthening democracy in Germany.

The “Professor Georg Nemetschek Foundation” was established in 1996 for the benefit of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Munich University of Applied Sciences.

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ALLPLAN and SDS2 join forces for joint offering of powerful software solutions for know-how in steel and concrete construction.


ALLPLAN and Precast Software Engineering combine their expertise to create a unique and customer-oriented offering for the engineering and construction industries.


Acquisition: DEXMA (Spacewell)


Acquisition: Data Design System


Acquisition: Bluebeam Software

Investment in the start-up Sablono GmbH


Acquisitions: Solibri and SDS/2 (formerly Design Data)

Conversion of Nemetschek AG into Societas Europaea (SE)


Acquisitions: dRofus, RISA


Acquisition: Spacewell (formerly MCS Solutions)


Acquisitions: Axxerion (Spacewell) | Red Giant & Redshift (Maxon)


Acquisition: Vectorworks

Group headquarters move to new premises at the Munich Fair


Foundation: Precast Software Engineering (formerly Nemetschek Engineering)


Graphisoft and SCIA become subsidiaries of the Nemetschek Group


Foundation: ALLPLAN GmbH (formerly Nemetschek Allplan Systems GmbH)


The SUPERNOVA iX computer from 1990 with an 80486 processor and 33MHz is a very high-performance computer. The Unix operating system already runs on an Intel processor. The entire workstation, including the control tablet and digitizer and a 20-inch monitor comes with an acquisition cost price tag of about 55,000 DM.


"We connect worlds" says the slogan on a poster from the 1990’s. This motto still applies today: Nemetschek software builds bridges – across rivers and valleys, and between planners, engineers, contractors and designers, across offices and national boundaries.


Since 1992, the new high-performance Allplan version makes it possible to visualize complex buildings in three dimensions.


In observance of the company’s 30th anniversary, Professor Nemetschek honors Konrad Zuse, the inventor of the computer, with an exhibition. The exhibition highlights the development of the initial idea of a "mechanical brain" to the application possibilities of a modern CAD system and also brings to life a piece of Nemetschek’s history.


Actual wireframe model on a box used for deliving the manuals.


Nemetschek presents the database-driven platform O.P.E.N. – known today as BIM.


Numerous acquisitions: FRILO, Glaser, Bausoftware (now NEVARIS), CREM


IPO of Nemetschek. Acquisitions: Maxon and Auer (now: NEVARIS)


Nemetschek presents the first computer-aided engineering software (CAE).


Internationalization begins in Austria and Switzerland.


The first CAD solution ALLPLAN 1.0 appears on the market.


A fully equipped workstation for architects and engineers from 1987, including computer, printer and plotter. The SUPERNOVA 32 is a personal computer with a removable Fairchild-Clipper card for the Unix operating system.

The multi-pen high-performance plotter Calcomp 1043 already draw plans with eight pens and therefore in eight colors. Acquisition costs are about 50,000 DM.

In this rendition of Nemetschek’s logo from a brochure in 1987, Nemetschek offers a hand to its customers: "We support you as a strong partner today and in the future". This motto still applies today.


As early as 1988, planners can use Allplan to create 3D models and perform hidden-line image calculations. The parameters are entered according to directions provided in the manual.

Allplan Brochure from 1988 – This premium product becomes the name for the company’s subsidiary Nemetschek Allplan GmbH.


A view into Nemetschek’s archives. The manuals for Nemetschek’s software products are delivered in these folders at the end of the 1980’s and at the beginning of the 1990’s.


Georg Nemetschek, a certified engineer, founds the engineering firm for the construction industry

In 1963, certified engineer Georg Nemetschek attends a programming course for the “program-controlled electronic computing system ZUSE Z 23”. Construction engineer Georg Nemetschek is thrilled by this new and forward-looking computer technology. Konrad Zuse developed ZUSE Z 23 in 1959 as a digital computer based entirely on transistors.


The first use of computers in the construction industry

As early as 1968, Nemetschek Engineering purchases an Olivetti programma 101. The price tag: 34,000 DM. The Olivetti programma 101 is considered the first print-capable and freely programmable workplace computer in the world. It is already used by NASA for cartographic planning in conjunction with the first flight to the moon.


"Card S 3.2 – in a working computer": Instruction’s for Nemetschek’s first software product, Programmsystem Statik 97_77, provides an introduction into the use of magnetic cards and the calculations for which they could be used.

Nemetschek’s first software program is developed in 1977 for the first programmable desktop computer, the Hewlett Packard hp 97. Magnetic strips were used to enter programs. The calculated values are printed on paper strips and glue into the structural analysis plans.

Privacy and data security

As a software provider for the AEC/O industry, the Nemetschek Group manages few customer or personal data directly, since the software products are mainly installed and operated on premises, which means in our customers' IT environment. Therefore, the concrete data protection and data security risk is generally considered moderate.

Nonetheless, the Nemetschek Group is taking responsibility and committing itself group-wide to careful handling of our employees', customers' and partners' data.

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